G.Skill has announced new DDR5-6400 CL30 RAM kits that combine high memory capacities with fast speeds and low latency to compete with the best RAM. The kits, launched under the Trident Z5 RGB and Trident Z5 Royal series, will feature 96GB (2x48GB) capacities, with smaller 64GB and 48GB variants also in the works. The DRAM manufacturer promises DDR5-6400 CL30 specs using Intel XMP 3.0 and has also showcased how the memory performs on an equivalent AMD Ryzen 9000 system.

The memory kit easily achieves advertised speeds when paired with an Asus ROG Maximus Z890 Hero motherboard and Intel's latest Core Ultra 7 265K Arrow Lake CPU. The attached CPU-Z screenshot shows the memory operating at 6400 MT/s with impressive CL30-39-39-102 timings under MemtestPro 4.0.

G.Skill hasn't explicitly advertised the RAM with EXPO support but has demonstrated how it will perform on AM5. Using a similar Asus ROG Crosshair X870E Hero motherboard and the Ryzen 7 9800X3D, the memory kit operat es at DDR5-6400 CL30-39-39-102 speeds. Note that the RAM may not run at said specifications without proper EXPO support across all AMD systems. If you want the tightest timings possible, G.Skill recently introduced DDR5-6000 CL26 kits for AMD's Ryzen 9000 processors.

Arrow Lake's official memory support is DDR5-6400 for CUDIMMs and DDR5-5600 for regular DIMMs. You can surpass that limit using XMP, though even higher frequencies warrant using CUDIMM sticks instead. Likewise, the sweet spot for the Ryzen 9000 or Granite Ridge processors is DDR5-6400, with a 1:1 ratio between the fabric clock and the memory clock. For Ryzen 7000 or Raphael CPUs, you may need to tweak a few settings for a stable experience, as they work best at DDR5-6000 speeds.

These new kits will be available under G.Skill's renowned Trident Z5 RGB and Trident Z5 Royal series with memory overclocking through XMP 3.0 on supported motherboards. You'll need at least a B860 motherboard since budget H810-class motherboards lack memory overclocking support. Expect these kits to be in the ballpark of $350, as existing CL32 versions are about the same in price.

G.Skill also plans to release smaller-capacity 64GB (2x32GB) and 48GB (2x48GB) variants. These memory kits will be available from partners this quarter, so if you want to upgrade your system, keep an eye out.